Anyone on a journey of self discovery or spiritual awakening will encounter the shadow self or what many refer to as the darker side of our true character. I say true character because without the shadow, the beauty of who we are couldn’t shine, as there would be no backdrop for the light to shine on.
I have always been taught that darkness is the absence of light. If this is true, then darkness is the absence of truth as well, as light and truth are synonymous. If light were good and darkness bad however, why are we taught to pray with eyes closed, shutting out the light? Why does inspiration so readily come during the night under cover of darkness? Each of us came into this world following 9 months of darkness under which the miracle of life takes place. Half of our lives are in darkness
Where did the idea that darkness = bad come from?
Maybe it’s because we have judged the darkness and been afraid of it. Maybe, through fear, we’ve created a demon out of an Angel. Maybe we have stepped into the light with our intelligence only, and forgotten the feelings of peace, love, and protection that the darkness has provided. Maybe the darkness increases in “negative” energy only because we treat it with harsh negativity.
Maybe, within the darkness, we find a light (truth) so pure, so bright, so dense and complete, that our limited, mortal intellect simply can’t comprehend it, and so...we turn from it.
Maybe visiting our dark side unveils the light we are searching for, the truth that finally sets us free.
No matter the reason for avoiding it, to be complete is to encounter and embrace the shadow self. To love it, learn from it, and then, once we have done so, choose what is manifest in our lives. This is true agency.
the shadow self is not something to fight against and conquer. It is a beautiful aspect of the eternal soul, to be cherished, nurtured, and well cared for.
Much peace! Take courage! God has not endowed our hearts with fear but with power, love, and a sound mind.
This has made me think deeper about light & darkness.
The biggest part of darkness for me is fear.
The next biggest part is anxiety.
So how do I deal with those?
I love this. Thank you. I shared it with my Mom and she liked it too. She said it made her think of how plants always start in the dark. She had this interesting thought that in Genesis ch 5 the evening and the morning were the first day so maybe the day started at night. I think when one kneels down to pray at night, one is beginning one's next day with nurturing.... kind of like how God created everything spiritually before it was created physically. This has got me really thinking now about how darkness could be associated with beginnings. I am thinking about Genesis chapter 1 "..and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the…
I am intrigued. What would an example be of someone putting this into action? What attitudes and behaviors would constitute a shadow self? My first impression is that my shadow self could be the me that is filled with anxiety because I do not feel anxiety when I am reaching out to my Creator. But I'd like an example or two so I don't miss out on the depth of what you are conveying here.